Welcome to

Calm Companions Tucson-

Where you learn to

"Speak Dog".


About us

Classes start Saturday January 6th from 1:00-2:30.

My name is Wendy Greene and I have over four decades of dog training experience. As an AKC (American kennel club) certified instructor, you can be sure that I have the knowledge to work with all types of dogs. I've worked in rescue and rehabilitation, private training, breeding, and extensively with service dogs. 


My training style is 95% positive, but I treat each dog and handler as an individual. As a special educator, I know that everyone, both dogs and people, have their own unique learning style. I have a large number of skills to draw on to help you and your dog achieve a happy healthy relationship.


Rest assure that safety is my primary concern. All dogs must provide an up-to-date shot record and puppies must be at least 10 weeks old. 


I will offer a 12 week Canine Good Citizen Class starting Saturday January 13th from 1:00 to 2:30. This is for young dogs that haven't been trained yet or older dogs who are having difficulty staying calm and following directions in the presence of unfamiliar people and other dogs.


This class will cover the following topics; dog psychology, reading a dog's intention through body language, general house manners, potty training, crate training, toys and treats, socialization checklist, sit, down, stay, come, heal, leave it, greeting a friendly stranger, greeting a friendly stranger with a friendly dog, accepting petting calmly, accepting evaluation by a veterinarian, accepting grooming, staying calm in the presence of unusual sights and sounds, walking on a loose leash past another dog, through a crowd, how to recognize appropriate play versus bullying behavior,  separation anxiety, and generally how to understand and speak "Dog". 


During this class we will use classic obedience exercises combined with fun road rally obedience courses and exciting agility challenges. You and your dog will have the opportunity to earn both your AKC Star Puppy Award and your AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification. Canine Good Citizen is considered the gold standard for dog training and will often earn you reduced rates on rent and homeowners insurance. It also prepares your dog for more challenging training as a Therapy Dog or even a Service Dog. 



The cost for this class is $50 per 90 minutes lesson or $600 . If you pay in full by the first lesson I reduce the cost to $500. My goal is to motivate students to complete all 12 weeks so that you don't stop training before you have a full understanding of how to work in partnership with your dog.


I'm the only trainer I know that offers a guarantee for my puppy class graduates. If you and your dog aren't feeling confident after completing my program, I will give you up to three free private lessons to ensure that you meet your goals.


I will also be offering an 8 week intermediate class for dogs that have mastered the basic commands and are comfortable in the presence of other dogs. We will work more on agility, trick training, and behaving appropriately in various environments in our community. If you're interested contact me to schedule an interview.


If you prefer private lessons, I take on a limited number of clients whose dogs need one-on-one attention. A 90-minute session costs $75 if you and your dog come to me, or $100 to $125, depending on distance, if I travel to your home.


Whether you choose a group class or private lessons with me, rest assured that you and your dog will both be treated as thinking feeling individuals. Unlike the big box stores, I tailor my instruction to each individual handler and dog. I teach you to think like a dog trainer so you can work happily together, not only with this puppy, but with every dog that you partner with in the future.


Seeking professional training for yourself and your dog is one of the best things that you can do as a compassionate owner. I would love to help you achieve your training goals. If you believe that your dog could benefit from my years of professional experience, send me a message  or contact me for a free consultation. References available on request.


If you would like to reserve a spot in our upcoming class or schedule a private lesson, you can contact me at 520-208-1002 or email calmcompanionstucson@gmail.com